Quit Smoking!

Great American Smokeout happens the third Thursday in November each year and since its inception over 40 years ago, The American Cancer Society has used the Great American Smokeout to encourage Americans to quit using tobacco. Whether or not you choose to quit during the Smokeout, quitting tobacco is always a good idea and having a plan is key.

Quitting tobacco is difficult, but there are tools available that can make the process less daunting.

·      Self-help books like Allen Carr’s Easyway to Stop Smoking

·      Online resources like the American Cancer Society’s Fresh Start and Quit Assist and Smokefree.gov

·      Support groups, whether in person, online or over the phone (1-800-QUIT-NOW)

·      Apps for your phone like QuitGuide and quitStart

·      Prescription medications

·      Over the counter medications

·      Encouragement from family, friends and coworkers. Research shows that odds of staying off of tobacco are much greater when you do it with the encouragement and support of loved ones.

Using at least two of these methods can lead to a higher rate of success. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist to decide what the best combination is for you. No matter what methods you choose, prepare yourself in advance and try to remove any temptations or triggers.

It could also be a great time to take up a new hobby or learn a new skill, anything that will provide a pleasant distraction. It’s also prudent to start thinking about finding new ways to handle stressful situations.

And while quitting is crucial, it’s also just the beginning. Staying off tobacco can be a battle for some people, and many will relapse within the first 90 days of quitting. It’s important not to beat yourself up and to recognize that getting and staying off tobacco is a process, but it’s one you can handle!  

Quitting tobacco is one of the most rewarding feelings. Let us know if we can help you during the Great American Smokeout in November or any time you decide you’re ready.

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