Hack Your Metabolism!

So many of us struggle with our weight and have been told that maybe we just naturally have a slow metabolism or that our metabolism slows as we age. While it is true that it’s harder for some folks to lose weight and/or keep it off and that metabolism does naturally start to decline around age 30 due to increasing muscle loss there are some things you can do to boost your metabolism and slow that muscle loss.

1.     Increase your intake of healthy fats. It might sound counterintuitive but it’s true! Eating more healthy fats like avocado, coconut oil, fish and eggs can help create a feeling of satiety and give you more energy over a longer period of time.

2.     Eat more protein. Protein takes longer to digest than other food sources and in doing so, actually helps your body burn more calories than when it’s digesting carbs or fat. Getting more protein in your diet can also help you build and retain muscle and it keeps you full longer.

3.     Try high-intensity interval training or HIIT. Studies have shown that one 10-12 minute session of HIIT stokes your metabolism for up to 24-48 hours post workout than doing an hour of sustained cardio. This intense small burst of exercise works because your body needs more time to recover so burns more calories, thereby spiking your metabolism.

4.     Pump some iron. Weightlifting is a great way to raise and sustain your body’s calorie burning abilities. It’s been estimated that a pound of muscle burns six extra calories a day as opposed to a calorie of fat that only burns two extra calories a day. Much like with HIIT, your body will continue to burn calories long after a weightlifting session.

5.     Drink green tea. Some studies have shown that green tea can boost metabolism and cause a spike in calories burned. It can also help keep glucose levels steady, which reduces overall appetite for some people. Two studies showed that the caffeine in green tea may improve exercise performance by up to 12%.

6.     Get that H2O! Studies show that drinking water boosts the calories you burn while in a resting state. In one study of overweight women, increasing water intake to just over one liter or 34 ounces per day caused an average weight loss of over four pounds over the course of a year. And that’s without making any other lifestyle changes!

7.     Stand up! We all know that too much sitting is bad for us so it just makes sense that getting up more throughout your day will lead to an increase in calories burned. If you work a desk job, try taking a walk around the office once every hour, even if just for a few minutes or invest in a standing desk. Some companies will even pay for a standing desk since it encourages employees to be less sedentary and therefore healthier in the long run.

8.     Get enough sleep. A good night’s sleep is incredibly important for your overall health. Too little sleep is directly linked to an increased risk of being overweight. Not getting enough sleep can deprive your body of the hormone ghrelin, which controls hunger, and leptin, which signals fullness.

Are you ready to show your metabolism who’s boss? Which tips will you incorporate into your life to help boost your calorie burn?

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